Announcing new book: Spatial Thinking in Environmental Contexts: Maps, Archives, and Timelines

Announcing my newest book:Spatial Thinking in Environmental Contexts: Maps, Archives, and Timelines,  published by CRC Press, 2019.

Spatial Thinking book

Spatial Thinking book

This book cultivates the spatial thinking “habit of mind” as a critical geographical view of how the world works, including how environmental systems function, and how we can approach and solve environmental problems using maps, archives, and timelines. The work explains why spatial thinking matters as it helps readers to integrate a variety of methods to describe and analyze spatial/temporal events and phenomena in disparate environmental contexts. It weaves together maps, GIS, timelines, and storytelling as important strategies in examining concepts and procedures in analyzing real-world data and relationships. The work thus adds significant value to qualitative and quantitative research in environmental (and related) sciences.