BioBlitz Workshop: Colorado State University

Syllabus: BioBlitz Workshop: Colorado State University

Author:  Joseph J. Kerski, Ph.D., GISP

Goals: Through this workshop, you will:

(1) Learn what GIS and spatial analysis are and why they matter to society;
(2) Learn how to upload, symbolize, and classify your own field-collected data and other data into a web based mapping platform (ArcGIS Online);
(3) Learn how to spatially analyze your own field-collected data and other data in ArcGIS Online;
and –
(4) Learn how to create presentations and web mapping applications, including multimedia maps and storymaps, to communicate the results of your research.

(1)  Why is GIS relevant to society?  Watch Penn State Geospatial Revolution Trailer and Joseph Kerski’s Why Get Excited about Web Mapping video.

Access Joseph Kerski’s vegetation data collected with iNaturalist of Joseph’s data on vegetation types collected with iNaturalist mobile smartphone app.

(2a and 3a) Bring data into ArcGIS Online (Add Data from local file or web).
Create a folder for your work in My Contents.
Style the data (symbolize) as Unique Symbols by Species.
Adjust the popup display.
Create heat map.
Create drive-time areas (walking), 10 minutes around points.

Plan routes to visit these sample points.  Select starting point west of fields.  Walking.  1 vehicle.  100 stops.   10 minutes per point.  24 hours total time.

Save, share, create web mapping application.

(2b and 3b) Bring Soil pH data (from local file or web) from North Dakota into ArcGIS Online.  Create folder.  Create bookmarks. Style (counts and amounts, size and color, on attributes Zn, Pb, K, Ph, etc), adjust popups, create heat map.

Create polygon map note.

Summarize within – sample test points within map note polygon.  Add statistics:  Pb_ppm

Create New Hosted Feature Layer from CSV.  Create hosted feature layer (service).

Filter points – Pb_ppm > 200.  (33 points selected).

Calculate Hot Spot analysis on Pb.
Interpolate surface from pH.
Save, share, create web mapping application.

Repeat procedures for student-collected data.  Extend analysis via trace downstream, create riparian zone buffers around streams, count # of observations in riparian zones.

(4) What are web mapping applications?  View and discuss Joseph’s web maps web apps storymaps.

Create multimedia map notes from Kerski’s New Mexico fieldwork at 36, -106 and 35, -106 and 34, -106.

Create Map Tour Storymap for Osceola Iowa and for their own study area.

Create Side Accordion storymap.

Create Map Journal storymap sample.

Discuss and compare.

Summarize skills learned and how and when to apply them.